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Tuesday, April 30, 2024 | April 30, 2024 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2024-04-30T13:02:09Z



In April 2024, the YouTube channel B Yoube, hosted by Malvin, showcases its "Gadget of the Month" series. This particular episode is not just a regular review but a celebration of technological innovations, highlighted by a special appearance from Apple's CEO Tim Cook. Malvin explores various gadgets ranging from a classic iPod to the latest iPhone model, offering insights into their features, usability, and technical specifications.

A Memorable Encounter with Tim Cook

The video opens with Malvin sharing his recent experience meeting Tim Cook, which he describes as a pinnacle event in his YouTube career. This meeting not only served as a fan moment but also allowed Malvin to discuss and showcase a classic iPod, signed by Cook himself. This iPod, almost two decades old, still functions perfectly, symbolizing Apple's enduring quality and innovation.

Review of the iPhone 15 Plus

A significant portion of the video is dedicated to reviewing the iPhone 15 Plus. Malvin contrasts this model with its more expensive counterparts, the Pro models, noting that while there are some differences in features like the camera's Action mode and screen refresh rates, the Plus model offers substantial value for its price. He also highlights the practicality of its features which cater well to everyday use, making it a recommended choice for most users.

Exploring Practical Gadgets

The review extends beyond smartphones to include practical gadgets that enhance daily convenience. Malvin introduces a versatile flashlight equipped with multiple lighting modes including UV, and a multipurpose charging cable that not only charges devices but also shows the wattage used, adding a layer of interaction and functionality.

Sony’s Latest Headphones

Another highlight is the review of Sony's latest headphone model, which replaces the Extra Bass line. These headphones emphasize high-quality sound with features tailored for real-world use, such as improved noise cancellation and a comfortable fit. Malvin compares these with previous models to provide a comprehensive view of their evolution and enhancements.


Malvin concludes the video by thanking his audience for their continued support, which has opened doors to opportunities like meeting influential figures such as Tim Cook. He encourages viewer interaction and feedback on the gadgets reviewed, maintaining a personal connection that has characterized his channel's growth.

Engaging with the Audience

Throughout the video, Malvin's approach is deeply personal. He shares anecdotes, personal preferences, and even life updates, inviting his audience into his world. This personal touch not only enhances the reviews but also builds a community around his channel.

In this episode of "Gadget of the Month," Malvin not only reviews the latest in technology but also celebrates the personal connections and experiences that these gadgets enable. His insights help viewers make informed decisions while keeping them engaged with his charismatic presentation and genuine enthusiasm.

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